Your employer or prospective employer has requested that you attend a medical assessment and has engaged Injurynet to organise this assessment for you. 

Injurynet organises a range of medical assessments including pre-employment medical assessments, review medical assessments, health monitoring/surveillance assessments, health and wellbeing assessments, executive medical assessments, vaccinations, audiometry, spirometry and drug & alcohol tests.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need to complete a Medical Assessment?

Your employer or prospective employer has requested that you attend a medical assessment to assess your health and fitness in relation to your current or proposed role and to help keep you safe at work. Injurynet has been engaged to organise this assessment for you.

What is involved in a Medical Assessment?
  • A standard medical assessment has two parts – a medical history questionnaire and a medical assessment which is performed by a Doctor or Allied Health Professional. The medical history questionnaire is completed by you prior to the assessment and is reviewed by your examining Doctor or Allied Health Professional to understand your medical history and to ensure that the type of medical assessment performed is right for you. It also assists the examiner to identify whether you may have any limitations or restrictions when performing specific tasks.
  • The medical assessment will vary depending on the job role you are being assessed for. However, you should be fully prepared for any of the following:
    • drug and alcohol screening
    • hearing and vision assessment
    • lung function assessment
    • musculoskeletal assessment of your spine, joints, abdomen and chest
    • fitness assessment
    • skin check
    • chest x-ray
    • pathology collection of saliva, urine or blood

Your booking confirmation email and Medical Assessment forms will detail which assessments you are booked for.

How long does a Medical Assessment normally take?

The duration of the medical assessment depends on the number and type of health assessments required within the medical, most commonly it takes between 45 to 90 minutes.

Do I need to fill in the medical history questionnaire beforehand?

To prevent delays, it is preferred by the clinics that you print, complete and take your medical assessment forms with you to your appointments. However, if you are not able to complete the paperwork earlier, then you will be required to arrive to at least 20mins early to allow time to complete the paperwork prior to your appointment.

What if I have a current or previous illness or injury?
  • If your current illness is related to COVID symptoms, i.e., cough, sore throat or flu like symptoms, please notify us of your inability to attend your appointment immediately.
  • Whilst some industries have legislative requirements on restricted medical conditions, most employers are looking to simply be aware of any impact that your current or previous illness, injury or medical condition may have on your ability to perform the inherent tasks of a role safely. This helps employers to understand any supports, restrictions or accommodations that may be required for you when performing the role. 
  • The important thing is that you are honest in disclosing any medical information during the assessment so as not to put yourself or others at potential risk of harm in the future.
Do I need to complete another medical assessment if I have had one recently?

Yes, if you are applying for a job with a different employer or changing job roles, there will be changes to the medical assessment which you will need to undergo to ensure you are able to perform to the requirements of the new role.

How do I know when my medical appointments have been booked?
  • You will receive an email confirmation of your booking. Please save these details to ensure that you don’t miss your appointments. Please note that you will need to open the email attachments to see all appointments booked in case there is more than one appointment. 
  • In some instances, you will receive an appointment reminder SMS 24 hours prior to your appointment. However, the responsibility remains with you to ensure your attendance at the correct time and date.
Can I cancel or reschedule my medical assessment?

If you need to cancel or reschedule your medical assessment for any reason, please complete the Change of Appointment Request Form or contact our team immediately on 1300 307 418 or email us at Any cancellation or non-attendance will likely incur a fee which will be charged to your current or prospective employer, so it’s important that you make every effort to attend your booked appointments.

What should I bring & prepare for my appointment?
  • At the very least, you should bring:
    • Photo ID – Driver licence, photo ID card or passport. You will not be able to undergo medical assessment without the clinic sighting this information.
    • Your completed and printed medical assessment paperwork (unless you intend to arrive 20 mins early at clinic to complete paperwork)
    • Glasses or contact lenses – if you wear corrective lenses
    • Hearing aids
    • List of any medications that you are prescribed 
    • Relevant medical reports from your healthcare practitioner, particularly medical specialists

Your assessment paperwork may have extra requirements dependant on the assessments requested. For example, you may be required to fast prior to some medical assessments. Please read your assessment paperwork carefully.

What should I wear?
  • Comfortable, non-restrictive clothing that you can move around in, and enclosed footwear e.g loose clothing/sneakers. Most health assessments require demonstration of physical abilities such as bending and stretching exercises.
  • Some medical assessments may require you to remove items of clothing so that the Doctor or Allied Health Professional can complete physical assessments as required.
Will I need to pay for my medical assessment on the day?

If you have been requested to undergo a medical assessment on behalf of a company, the company will pay in most instances. You will have been notified prior to appointment if this differs for your circumstance.

How far am I expected to travel to attend my appointment?
  • Travel is dependent on urgency from your potential or current employer, your location, availability and our clinics availability to complete an assessment in your area. 
  • Applicants in metropolitan areas can generally expect to travel up to one hour, while rural/regional areas could require longer travel times due to limited clinic availability. Injurynet will endeavour to find the closest clinic to your home or your employer’s worksite as possible to minimise travel time.
Will you tell me if I am successful for the role?

No, Injurynet are a third party. We are not involved in any hiring discussions and/or decisions.

What happens to my personal information after the medical assessment?

At Injurynet we treat your privacy with the seriousness that it deserves. All your information is maintained securely in line with the Privacy Act 1988, the Australian Privacy Principles and all relevant state-based health records and information privacy legislation. You can read our Injurynet Privacy Statement.

What if I have a disability or accessibility needs that impact on my ability to attend or participate in a medical assessment?

Please call our team on 1300 307 418 or email us at for additional assistance.

How can I provide feedback or lodge a complaint related to my medical assessment?

Injurynet and all our partner clinics are fully committed to providing you with the best quality services. Any feedback will be taken in the constructive manner you provide it and will be used to further improve the range of services that we provide. If you feel that our or our partner clinics service has not met your expectations, we want to know. Please email us at