Medical Advisory Services

Are your employee’s health issues impacting productivity at work?

Is your organisation fulfilling its legal responsibilities in relation to employee health?

MAX Health’s Medical Advisory Service is a specialised support service for employers to help fulfil their responsibilities in relation to employee health. It provides medical expertise and advice regarding health issues impacting work, and work issues impacting health at both an individual and organisational level.

The information and advice are provided by a team of occupational health practitioners including doctors, injury management advisors, nurses and allied health professionals all of whom have extensive experience in physical and psychological injury management and return to work strategies.

And, because your workplace is unique, our solution is completely flexible and tailored to meet the specific needs of your organisation, employees and worksites.

Key Features

Case Advice

Advice on managing staff illness and injuries (not Workers’ Compensation related) and guidance on the most appropriate course of action to take.

Dr to Dr Liaison

Helping communicate with an employee’s treating doctor to deal with issues of certification and work capacity (without the need for an Independent Medical Examination), to identify barriers to progress and to facilitate progress of a case.

Medical Review Officer

Helping organisations to identify risk, interpret alcohol and other drugs (AOD) results and provide advice on an employee’s fitness for work when you need it. Our medical review officers are doctors that have been accredited by the Australian Medical Review Officers Association (AMROA).

Advisory for Work Related Exposure or Emerging Health Concerns

To inform, educate and appropriately manage health, safety or wellbeing related risks, exposures or a hazards at a worksite. This can include our occupational medical practitioners briefing, advising and reassuring employees, as well as establishing any interventions or programs required.

24/7 Exposure Line

For initiating, tracking and managing employees exposed to biological, chemical and physical hazards in the workplace, providing priority access to doctors and nurses as soon as the exposure occurs.

Life Insurance & Income Protection Claims Assistance

Providing objective and appropriate medical information to help claims assessors progress claims and make speedier, appropriate and medically defensible claim determinations.

Program Design and Policy Formulation

Businesses can use this service to review and evaluate existing health and injury management programs as well as occupational health risks. Additionally, we can assist to design, develop and implement new programs.

Independent Medical Examinations

A comprehensive medical examination of an employee when the extent of a medical or psychiatric condition is unknown or possibly untreated, assisting employers to obtain better insight into issues affecting an employee’s ability to safely perform the inherent requirements of their role. Injurynet helps to organise, manage and interpret these assessments.

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What People Say

Our performance is reflected in the strength of our client base, our practitioner network and our people all working in partnership to deliver the best outcomes for our customers across Australia.